Friday, January 11, 2008

Senator Vaneta Becker votes against Senate Bill 3

Senator Vaneta Becker yesterday became the only Republican on the senate health committee to vote against Senate Bill 3, a bill that would protect Indiana pharmacists from being forced to dispense drugs that would be used for abortion, euthanasia, assisted-suicide or mercy killing.

The senator joined four of the most strident Democratic abortion supporters in the senate in opposing the bill, including Sen. Sue Errrington, a long-time Planned Parenthood employee and lobbyist, and Sen. Vi Simpson from Bloomington. Senator Becker's vote against the bill came in spite of hearing testimony from Karen Brauer, an Indiana pharmacist fired by K-mart in 1996 after refusing to dispense abortion-causing drugs in violation of her personal conscience.

I urge you to contact Senator Becker immediately to express your disapproval of her vote and to urge her to support the bill when it comes to the senate floor.To contact Senator Becker, call 800-382-9467 or 317-232-9400. Her e-mail address is

To read more about Senate Bill 3, click here

To read today's Louisville Courier Journal story on the vote, click here

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